Join us for A Magical Night celebrating our centennial, Mabel's friendship with Harry Houdini, and Dwayne Spence, longtime trustee and officer, and his wife, Patty!
This wonderful evening presented by Options Medical Weight Loss is a fundraiser for Wagnalls with silent and live auctions supporting our restoration projects and special auction item for the library. We will be entertained by Reelin' in the Years (local band covering music from the 70's and 80's); Michael Griffin, Greatest Living Escape Artist; strolling magician, and themed bars.
Tickets include hors d'oeuvres, desserts, and drinks. Save and buy early bird tickets by January 31! Table and auction sponsors also available.
Toadstool Shadow, a blue grass trio from Chillicothe, a family-friendly show has been postponed to Saturday, April 5th!
We apologize. Without our heat working, it was too cold in the auditorium.
The show is at 6 pm and doors open at 5:30 pm. A $20 family ticket admits one adult and up to three children, additional adult tickets are $10. Buy tickets in the library or online here! online tickets Tickets for January 25 will be honored on April 5.
The Wagnalls Performing Arts Series is presented by RedOne Realty-Gilmore Group.